
Ähnliche Wörter

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Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch

Im Folgenden findest du die Wörter 74801 bis 75000 der beliebtesten Wörter in unserem Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch.

  1. fellow worker
  2. co-worker
  3. atrium
  4. forecourt
  5. differentiate
  6. distinguish
  7. discriminate
  8. make a distinction
  9. draw a distinction
  10. tell apart
  11. frontispiece
  12. watchmaker
  13. apology
  14. formal defense
  15. call in
  16. sarcophagus
  17. unwritten law
  18. unwritten rule
  19. avoidable
  20. evadable
  21. wedge
  22. couplet
  23. slot machine
  24. one-armed bandit
  25. one-arm bandit
  26. slot [informal]
  27. bowl over
  28. knock over
  29. knock down
  30. run down
  31. coroner
  32. coroner
  33. parishioner
  34. parishioner
  35. skeptic
  36. doubter
  37. propulsive
  38. throne
  39. be noncommittal
  40. not give away oneself
  41. not commit oneself
  42. kit
  43. suffix
  44. gusset
  45. basketball
  46. netball
  47. stock-still
  48. completely motionless
  49. orc
  50. orca
  51. killer whale
  52. killer
  53. grampus
  54. informality
  55. paleontology
  56. improbability
  57. unlikeliness
  58. laborsaving
  59. punitive
  60. be snowed up
  61. according to
  62. as appears from
  63. as is evident from
  64. overcloud
  65. cloud
  66. cloud over
  67. cloud up
  68. grow cloudy
  69. chuckle at
  70. drachm
  71. drachma
  72. punk
  73. punk rocker
  74. waylay
  75. wait for
  76. generous
  77. bounteous [formal]
  78. liberal
  79. unsparing
  80. open-handed
  81. generous
  82. unselfish
  83. munificent
  84. copyist
  85. decal
  86. red admiral
  87. admiral
  88. archaeologist
  89. archeologist
  90. auditor
  91. furl
  92. self-made man
  93. stabilization
  94. resumption
  95. benefactor
  96. user
  97. be in association with
  98. operating expenses
  99. running costs
  100. balanced diet
  1. fir cone
  2. illustrator
  3. buy up
  4. enlarger
  5. baking powder
  6. dad [informal]
  7. daddy [informal]
  8. put in a coffin
  9. put in a casket
  10. stuntman
  11. stunt man
  12. lots of
  13. a lot of
  14. armistice
  15. truce
  16. courier
  17. messenger
  18. tranquilizer
  19. tranquillizer
  20. sedative
  21. minicomputer
  22. recover damages
  23. celebrate
  24. party
  25. revetment
  26. revetting
  27. impressionist
  28. nestle up to
  29. cuddle up to
  30. snuggle up to
  31. violet
  32. dibble
  33. dibber
  34. diplomacy
  35. tactfulness
  36. choirboy
  37. rowan
  38. rowan tree
  39. mountain ash
  40. sorb
  41. fatalist
  42. attic
  43. garret
  44. alley
  45. tin
  46. pewter
  47. sifter
  48. aircrew
  49. flight crew
  50. crew
  51. cypress
  52. knickerbockers
  53. knickers
  54. pool
  55. pocket billiards
  56. ouch
  57. ow
  58. all-embracing
  59. all-including
  60. fuel oil
  61. amperage
  62. wholeheartedly detest
  63. sprinter
  64. elderly woman
  65. senior citizen
  66. senior citizen
  67. southeast
  68. towards the southeast
  69. rush hour
  70. disabled
  71. disabled persons
  72. vascular disease
  73. dolmen
  74. attendee
  75. attendant
  76. person present
  77. attendant
  78. person present
  79. deplore
  80. lament
  81. grieve
  82. bemoan
  83. mourn
  84. let off steam
  85. blow off steam
  86. be very supportive
  87. flank
  88. flank
  89. headstone
  90. gravestone
  91. tombstone
  92. well-proportioned
  93. shapely [formal]
  94. stage-manage [informal]
  95. marigold
  96. flash back
  97. complexion
  98. tone
  99. tint
  100. unusable