
Ähnliche Wörter

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Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch

Im Folgenden findest du die Wörter 75601 bis 75800 der beliebtesten Wörter in unserem Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch.

  1. fork
  2. bifurcation
  3. fork
  4. Old Testament
  5. burst open
  6. break open
  7. split open
  8. crack open
  9. burst
  10. rupture
  11. binocular
  12. come to a deadlock
  13. reach a deadlock
  14. come to a standstill
  15. come to a dead end
  16. end in a cul-de-sac
  17. begrudge
  18. envy
  19. grudge
  20. rapine [literature]
  21. robbery
  22. wink
  23. mill
  24. grind
  25. jurisprudence [formal]
  26. caveman
  27. cave dweller
  28. chain
  29. shackle
  30. jealousy
  31. earthquake
  32. earth tremor
  33. seism
  34. quake [informal]
  35. comedian
  36. comic
  37. comedian
  38. slut [pej.]
  39. tramp [informal]
  40. trollop [pej.]
  41. slut [slang]
  42. frump [informal]
  43. slob [informal]
  44. slut [informal]
  45. slattern [literature]
  46. dowdy [literature]
  47. dirty person
  48. filthy person
  49. slob [informal]
  50. pig [informal]
  51. generic
  52. overwork
  53. snowfall
  54. blank
  55. driver
  56. operator
  57. driver
  58. motorist
  59. fail
  60. misfire
  61. be unsuccessful
  62. flop
  63. landing
  64. touchdown
  65. landing
  66. astronomy
  67. avow
  68. declare openly
  69. admit frankly
  70. profess [formal]
  71. declare
  72. patroness
  73. up to now
  74. until now
  75. to date
  76. as yet
  77. to this day
  78. trotter
  79. rice paddy
  80. rice field
  81. paddy
  82. open sea
  83. bearish
  84. cast
  85. plaster cast
  86. returnable
  87. that must be given back
  88. sunlight
  89. daylight
  90. light
  91. sunlight
  92. Danube
  93. firstborn
  94. Christmas card
  95. industrialist
  96. dodge
  97. move aside
  98. dart aside
  99. conserve
  100. save
  1. use sparingly
  2. spare
  3. clam
  4. disturbances
  5. riots
  6. glass wool
  7. doorkeeper
  8. concierge
  9. clear out
  10. take off [informal]
  11. woodland
  12. compile
  13. industrious
  14. hard-working
  15. assiduous
  16. diligent
  17. zealous
  18. axiomatic
  19. axiomatic
  20. self-evident
  21. aphoristic
  22. forcible
  23. violent
  24. not at all
  25. not in the least
  26. rich man
  27. wealthy man
  28. prosperous man
  29. rich woman
  30. wealthy woman
  31. prosperous woman
  32. rhetorical
  33. presuming
  34. supposing
  35. presuming that
  36. assuming
  37. assuming that
  38. derail
  39. get derailed
  40. go off the rails
  41. security
  42. aplomb
  43. self-confidence
  44. assurance
  45. poise
  46. waver
  47. flare
  48. fop
  49. dandy
  50. granite
  51. massage
  52. be willing to do anything for
  53. drake
  54. emancipation
  55. liberation [formal]
  56. release
  57. liberation [formal]
  58. capital punishment
  59. death penalty
  60. pat
  61. seabed
  62. malfunction
  63. silica
  64. solicitor general
  65. turn out badly
  66. be disappointing
  67. prove to be worse than expected
  68. turn out to be worse than expected
  69. royalty
  70. slipstream
  71. airstream
  72. race
  73. serrate
  74. serrated
  75. serrate
  76. serrated
  77. moose
  78. elk
  79. virility
  80. aloft
  81. in the air
  82. cappuccino
  83. doubtless
  84. unquestionably
  85. undoubtedly
  86. decidedly
  87. decidedly
  88. decisively
  89. bargain price
  90. giveaway price
  91. private use
  92. personal use
  93. make someone sick [informal]
  94. with malice aforethought
  95. overeat
  96. maple syrup
  97. admit
  98. let in
  99. let in
  100. be on bad terms with