
Ähnliche Wörter

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Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch

Im Folgenden findest du die Wörter 72801 bis 73000 der beliebtesten Wörter in unserem Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch.

  1. bat
  2. rubella
  3. German measles
  4. hairy
  5. hirsute
  6. astringent
  7. styptic
  8. mirage
  9. spaciousness
  10. vector
  11. costumer
  12. diminutive
  13. very small
  14. varnish
  15. lacquer
  16. subway
  17. conciliatory
  18. placatory
  19. appeasing
  20. pacifying
  21. conciliative
  22. mariner
  23. seaman
  24. seafarer
  25. seafaring man
  26. sewage
  27. introversion
  28. work late
  29. work overtime
  30. do overtime
  31. put in overtime
  32. work extra hours
  33. American English
  34. American
  35. move
  36. copyright
  37. status symbol
  38. airbed
  39. bullfinch
  40. goldfinch
  41. conglomerate
  42. Moroccan
  43. tweezers
  44. target at
  45. aim at
  46. target at
  47. aim at
  48. catch sight of
  49. salivation
  50. brush
  51. brush
  52. burgess
  53. civilian
  54. middle-class man
  55. citizen
  56. national
  57. bourgeois
  58. shell
  59. cartridge case
  60. rind
  61. pod
  62. metric
  63. metrical
  64. superstar
  65. superstar
  66. guinea pig
  67. experimental animal
  68. circus
  69. rigmarole [informal]
  70. rigamarole [informal]
  71. middle-class woman
  72. civilian
  73. citizen
  74. national
  75. truck
  76. euphemism
  77. square
  78. square off
  79. culprit
  80. confidentially
  81. privately
  82. in private
  83. switchboard
  84. control panel
  85. instrument panel
  86. instrument board
  87. control panel
  88. panel
  89. controls
  90. conceited woman
  91. stuck-up woman
  92. self-important fool
  93. self-absorbed man
  94. speculator
  95. survey
  96. inspect
  97. piston
  98. derive
  99. come from
  100. stem from
  1. be derived from
  2. narrowly miss
  3. in a twinkle
  4. in the twinkle of an eye
  5. in the twinkling of an eye
  6. in a teacup
  7. in less than no time
  8. in a trice
  9. in two shakes
  10. in a shake
  11. in half a shake
  12. cerebrum
  13. appellant
  14. matchwood
  15. cooler
  16. cooler
  17. radiator
  18. proceed from
  19. originate in
  20. down-and-out
  21. impoverished
  22. plow
  23. bell tower
  24. clock tower
  25. belfry
  26. just as well
  27. equally well
  28. just as
  29. quite as
  30. every bit as [informal]
  31. filibuster
  32. delay action
  33. stetson [trademark]
  34. satchel
  35. read
  36. road worker
  37. chauvinist
  38. lupin
  39. stimulation
  40. polarity
  41. snot [informal]
  42. captious
  43. faultfinding
  44. down
  45. senile
  46. carbonic acid
  47. aurora
  48. council
  49. town council
  50. Pisces
  51. shiver
  52. tremble
  53. thrill
  54. cafeteria
  55. plush
  56. profound
  57. meaningful
  58. if need be
  59. if necessary
  60. bighead
  61. blowhard
  62. boaster
  63. know-it-all
  64. show-off
  65. conceited person
  66. braggart [arch.]
  67. conceited woman
  68. stuck-up woman
  69. self-important fool
  70. self-absorbed man
  71. congratulation
  72. felicitation
  73. complimenting
  74. diesel engine
  75. pepper
  76. pepper
  77. air lock
  78. air bubble
  79. air bell
  80. bubble
  81. feces
  82. faeces
  83. anesthesia
  84. anaesthesia
  85. stupefaction
  86. hourglass
  87. egg timer
  88. dazzled
  89. blinded
  90. chimera
  91. chimaera
  92. chimera
  93. chimaera
  94. liar
  95. listen to
  96. amperage
  97. spiral
  98. blowpipe
  99. sensitivity
  100. sensibility