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be worthy of auf deutsch

Übersetzung von be worthy of im englisch deutsch Wörterbuch:
verdienen, wert sein, zukommenÜbersetzung hinzufügen

Ähnliche Wörter bzw. Synonyme von be worthy of im Wörterbuch englisch deutsch

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Sätze mit be worthy of in der Datenbank

englisch deutsch Autor
He's not worthy of you. Er hat dich nicht verdient. Pfirsichbaeumchen
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Definition be worthy of

Lying to Be Perfect
(2010-01-27). "Saturday proves a worthy target for Lifetime network". Houston Chronicle. Retrieved 22 March 2010. Official page Lying to Be Perfect at IMDb v t e[...]

If It Were You, We'd Never Leave
that point, which was recorded more for play in dance clubs. Stephen Worthy of Mojo said that the album "doesn't lack for ambition. If It Were You, We'd[...]

15 minutes of fame
that the "hierarchy of subjects worthy to be represented will someday be abolished;" hence, anybody, and therefore "everybody," can be famous once that hierarchy[...]