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provide for auf italienisch

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englisch italienisch Autor
Can you provide us with references? Puoi fornirci dei riferimenti? Guybrush88
I will provide you all the necessary information. Ti darò tutte le informazioni necessarie. Pharamp
It's my turn to provide an answer. Tocca a me fornire una risposta. Guybrush88
Tom wouldn't provide details. Tom non fornirebbe i dettagli. Guybrush88
Translations can provide explanations to what has been said. Le traduzioni possono fornire delle spiegazioni di quello che è stato detto. Guybrush88
The second question is needed to provide an answer to the first one. La seconda domanda serve a fornire una risposta alla prima. Guybrush88
The interpreter tries to provide a mitigated definition. L'interprete prova a fornire una definizione mitigata. Guybrush88
Corpora provide a rich resource for investigating language. I corpora forniscono una ricca risorsa per lo studio della lingua. Guybrush88
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Definition provide for

Operation Provide Comfort
Operation Provide Comfort and Provide Comfort II were military operations initiated by the United States and other Coalition nations of the Persian Gulf[...]

Provide (song)
"Provide" is a song by American rapper G-Eazy featuring American singer-songwriter Chris Brown and English singer-songwriter Mark Morrison; the latter[...]

Operation Provide Promise
Operation Provide Promise was a humanitarian relief operation in Bosnia and Herzegovina during the Yugoslav Wars, from 2 July 1992, to 9 January 1996[...]