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Übersetzung von pyrotechnic device im englisch russisch Wörterbuch:
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Sätze mit pyrotechnic device in der Datenbank

englisch russisch Autor
This heating device uses oil as fuel. Этот отопительный прибор использует нефть как топливо. Wadimiy
The telephone is just a wonderful device. Телефон — это просто чудесное устройство. FeuDRenais
The telephone is one wonderful device. Телефон — это просто чудесное устройство. FeuDRenais
Improper transport and handling may cause structural and functional damage of the device. Неправильные транспортировка и обращение могут вызвать структурное и функциональное повреждение устройства. corvard
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Meistgesucht im Deutsch Wörterbuch
Meistgesucht im Englisch Wörterbuch


Definition pyrotechnic device

pyrotechnics could lead to pyrotechnic accidents. People responsible for the safe storage, handling, and functioning of pyrotechnic devices are known as pyrotechnicians[...]

Pyrotechnic initiator
In pyrotechnics, a pyrotechnic initiator (also initiator or igniter) is a device containing a pyrotechnic composition used primarily to ignite other, more[...]

Pyrotechnic heat source
A pyrotechnic heat source, also called heat pellet, is a pyrotechnic device based on a pyrotechnic composition with a suitable igniter. Its role is to[...]