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Übersetzung von floor im englisch spanisch Wörterbuch:
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englisch spanisch

Sätze mit floor in der Datenbank

englisch spanisch Autor
Let's mop the floor. Limpiemos el piso. hayastan
Tom went down to the first floor. Tom bajó a la primera planta. ecorralest101
Tom sat down on the floor. Tom se sentó en el piso. hayastan
You have the floor now. Ahora tienes la palabra. honestlang
Which floor is it? ¿Qué planta es? lukaszpp
They live on the floor above. Ellos viven en la planta de abajo. tatoerique
The floor has to be scrubbed. Hace falta que frieguen este piso. cueyayotl
The floor is very slippery. El suelo está muy resbaloso. cueyayotl
The floor was very cold. El piso estaba muy frío. emanuel81
Don't throw anything onto the floor. No tires nada al suelo. lukaszpp
Tom saw blood on the floor. Tom vio sangre en el piso. senryakun
Be careful. There's a hole in the floor. Cuidado, hay un hueco en el piso. cueyayotl
Pick up that paper there on the floor. Levanta ese papel del suelo. cueyayotl
Don't leave your glasses on the floor. No dejes tus lentes en el piso. marcelostockle
The ground floor was flooded. La planta baja estaba inundada. hayastan
The jar was smashed to bits when it hit the floor. El jarrón al caerse al suelo se hizo migas. cueyayotl
This elevator only goes up to the sixth floor. Este ascensor no sube más allá del sexto piso. marcelostockle
The floor tile split in four. La baldosa se partió en cuatro. alexmarcelo
The couple is on the dance floor. La pareja está en la pista de baile. alexmarcelo
The restaurant is on the ground floor. El restaurante está en la planta baja. lukaszpp
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Meistgesucht im Deutsch Wörterbuch
Meistgesucht im Englisch Wörterbuch


Definition floor

floor is the bottom surface of a room or vehicle. Floors vary from simple dirt in a cave to many layered surfaces made with modern technology. Floors[...]

Floor scrubber
A floor scrubber is a floor cleaning device. It can be a simple tool such as a floor mop or floor brush, or in the form of a walk-behind or a ride-on[...]

Floor (gymnastics)
In gymnastics, the floor is a specially prepared exercise surface, considered an apparatus. The floor exercise (English abbreviation FX) is the event performed[...]