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Übersetzung von force out im englisch spanisch Wörterbuch:
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englisch spanisch

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englisch spanisch Autor
They took it by force. Ellos se lo tomaron por la fuerza. marcelostockle
Obviously, I can't force you to do something you don't want to do. Obviamente, no puedo obligarte a hacer algo que no querés hacer. hayastan
We had to take him by force. Tuvimos que llevarlo a la fuerza. cueyayotl
I don't want to force you to go. No quiero obligarte a ir. hayastan
You can't force something on me that I don't want to do. Tú no me puedes obligar a algo que yo no quiera hacer. Htomayor
An F-14 is a U.S. Air Force plane. El F-14 es un avión de las fuerzas aéreas estadounidenses. Shishir
By reason or by force. Por la razón o por la fuerza. Natan
You can't force me to marry you. No me puedes obligar a casarme contigo. halime
The trees were torn up by the force of the storm. Los árboles fueron arrancados por la violencia de la tempestad. cueyayotl
My coffee addiction's back in full force. Mi adicción al café está de vuelta en toda su gloria. cueyayotl
The same force spread over a smaller area will produce more pressure. La misma fuerza extendida sobre una área más pequeña producirá más presión. darinmex
I can stand brute force, but brute reason is quite unbearable. There is something unfair about its use. It is hitting below the intellect. Puedo aguantar la fuerza bruta, pero la razón bruta es insoportable. Su uso tiene algo de injusto, es como golpear por debajo del intelecto. inastar
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Definition force out

Force play
In baseball, a force play or force out occurs when a batter becomes a runner and gets put out because an opponent with possession of the ball reaches first[...]

force are both important, force is a vector quantity. The SI unit of force is the newton (N), and force is often represented by the symbol F. Force plays[...]

X-Force is a team of superheroes appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics, most commonly in association with the X-Men. Conceived[...]