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betwixt [literature] auf ungarisch

Übersetzung von betwixt [literature] im englisch ungarisch Wörterbuch:
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englisch ungarisch

Sätze mit betwixt [literature] in der Datenbank

englisch ungarisch Autor
Alienation is a common theme of twentieth-century literature. Az elidegenedés a huszadik századi irodalom elterjedt témája. PMkriszta
Esperanto, with its 130-year history and abundant literature, can be mastered in one tenth of the time required for learning one of the widespread national languages. A gazdag irodalommal és 130-éves múlttal rendelkező eszperantó nyelv az elterjedt, nagy, nemzeti nyelvek megtanulásához szükséges idő egytizede alatt elsajátítható. Muelisto
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Definition betwixt [literature]

The True Law of Free Monarchies
The Trve Lawe of free Monarchies: Or, The Reciprock and Mvtvall Dvtie Betwixt a free King, and his naturall Subiectes) is a treatise or essay of political[...]

Henry VI, Part 2
quarto by Thomas Creede later that year as The First part of the Contention betwixt the two famous Houses of Yorke and Lancaster, with the death of the good[...]

Solomon and Marcolf
Sir (1884), "Salomon und Morolf", Studies in Low German and High German Literature, London: Kegan, Paul, Trench & Co., pp. 87–130{{citation}}: CS1 maint:[...]