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orchestra pit auf französisch

Übersetzung von orchestra pit im englisch französisch Wörterbuch:
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englisch französisch

Sätze mit orchestra pit in der Datenbank

englisch französisch Autor
A conductor directs an orchestra. Un chef d'orchestre dirige un orchestre. Rovo
I'm going to join the school orchestra. Je vais rejoindre l'orchestre de l'école. Petro1
"They say that in a hiring interview, to say one plays piano suggests a disinclination to cooperate and that it's better to say one plays in a choral society or an orchestra." "Who told you that?" « On dit que dans un entretien d’embauche, dire qu’on fait du piano laisse penser qu’on est peu enclin à coopérer, et qu’il vaut mieux dire qu’on joue dans une chorale ou un orchestre. » « Qui t’a raconté ça ? » gillux
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Meistgesucht im Deutsch Wörterbuch
Meistgesucht im Englisch Wörterbuch


Definition orchestra pit

Orchestra pit
An orchestra pit is an area in a theater (usually located in a lowered area in front of the stage) in which musicians perform. The orchestra plays out[...]

Pit orchestra
A pit orchestra is a type of orchestra that accompanies performers in musicals, operas, ballets, and other shows involving music. The term was also used[...]

Opera Australia Orchestra
exclusively in the Opera House Orchestra pit of the Joan Sutherland Theatre. The OAO (and its Melbourne counterpart Orchestra Victoria) were known as The[...]