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Ähnliche Wörter bzw. Synonyme von bit of news im Wörterbuch englisch italienisch

englisch italienisch

Sätze mit bit of news in der Datenbank

englisch italienisch Autor
I have bad news for you. Ho brutte notizie per te. Guybrush88
I just saw the news. Ho appena visto la notizia. Guybrush88
How did Tom take the news? Tom come ha preso la notizia? Guybrush88
We've got news for you. Abbiamo notizie per te. Guybrush88
Does anybody have some news? Qualcuno ha delle notizie? Guybrush88
I have some news for you! Ho alcune notizie per te! Guybrush88
I have wonderful news. Ho delle notizie magnifiche. Guybrush88
We help the news to be true. Aiutiamo le notizie ad essere vere. Guybrush88
Do you have any news to report? Hai qualche notizia da riportare? Guybrush88
Tom listens to Fox News. Tom ascolta Fox News. Guybrush88
This news makes me sad! Questa notizia mi rende triste! Guybrush88
Is it good news? È una buona notizia? Pharamp
What time is the TV news, please? A che ora è il telegiornale, per favore? Guybrush88
I can't find the news. Non trovo la notizia. Guybrush88
That's excellent news. È una notizia eccellente. Guybrush88
That's why I share this news. È per questo motivo che condivido la notizia. Guybrush88
Spread the news! Diffondete la notizia! Guybrush88
All TV news are partial. I telegiornali sono tutti di parte. Guybrush88
We have great news. Abbiamo delle ottime notizie. Guybrush88
I have great news. Ho delle ottime notizie. Guybrush88
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Definition bit of news

Have I Got News for You
additional content, titled Have I Got a Little Bit More News for You, later simply Have I Got a Bit More News for You began broadcasting the following Saturdays[...]

64-bit computing
than 64 bits of physical memory address. The term 64-bit also describes a generation of computers in which 64-bit processors are the norm. 64 bits is a word[...]

16-bit computing
computer architecture, 16-bit integers, memory addresses, or other data units are those that are 16 bits (2 octets) wide. Also, 16-bit central processing unit[...]