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Übersetzung von nurse im englisch italienisch Wörterbuch:
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englisch italienisch

Sätze mit nurse in der Datenbank

englisch italienisch Autor
May I go to the nurse? Posso andare dall'infermiere? Guybrush88
The nurse took her temperature with a thermometer. L'infermiera ha misurato la sua temperatura con un termometro. Guybrush88
The nurse took her temperature with the thermometer. L'infermiera ha preso la sua temperatura con il termometro. Guybrush88
The nurse checked Tom's pulse. L'infermiera ha controllato il battito di Tom. Guybrush88
My wife works as a nurse at a local hospital. Mia moglie lavora come infermiere in un ospedale locale. Guybrush88
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Meistgesucht im Deutsch Wörterbuch
Meistgesucht im Englisch Wörterbuch


Definition nurse

Shortages of qualified nurses are found in many countries. Nurses collaborate with other healthcare providers such as physicians, nurse practitioners, physical[...]

Nurse practitioner
A nurse practitioner (NP) is an advanced practice registered nurse and a type of mid-level practitioner. NPs are trained to assess patient needs, order[...]

Registered nurse
A registered nurse (RN) is a nurse who has graduated or successfully passed a nursing program from a recognized nursing school and met the requirements[...]