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spare bedroom auf polnisch

Übersetzung von spare bedroom im englisch polnisch Wörterbuch:
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englisch polnisch

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englisch polnisch Autor
Could you spare a few hours? Mógłbyś poświęcić kilka godzin? jeedrek
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Meistgesucht im Deutsch Wörterbuch
Meistgesucht im Englisch Wörterbuch


Definition spare bedroom

Bedroom tax
receive housing benefit and are deemed to have more bedrooms than they need. If a tenant has one spare bedroom, their housing benefit is reduced by 14% of the[...]

Austin Osman Spare
Austin Osman Spare (30 December 1886 – 15 May 1956) was an English artist and occultist who worked as both a draughtsman and a painter. Influenced by[...]

Spare (memoir)
Spare is a memoir by Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex, which was released on 10 January 2023. It was ghostwritten by J. R. Moehringer and published by Penguin[...]