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Übersetzung von strategy im englisch portugiesisch Wörterbuch:
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It also forms a vital cornerstone of the strategy for sustainable development. Constitui também um pilar decisivo da estratégia de desenvolvimento sustentável. alcalino
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Meistgesucht im Deutsch Wörterbuch
Meistgesucht im Englisch Wörterbuch


Definition strategy

Strategy (from Greek στρατηγία stratēgia, "art of troop leader; office of general, command, generalship") is a general plan to achieve one or more long-term[...]

Strategy game
A strategy game or strategic game is a game (e.g. a board game) in which the players' uncoerced, and often autonomous, decision-making skills have a high[...]

Strategy video game
Strategy is a major video game genre that emphasizes thinking and planning over direct instant action in order to achieve victory. Although many types[...]