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tomato sauce auf russisch

Übersetzung von tomato sauce im englisch russisch Wörterbuch:
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englisch russisch

Sätze mit tomato sauce in der Datenbank

englisch russisch Autor
I reddened like a tomato. Я покраснел как помидор. marafon
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Meistgesucht im Deutsch Wörterbuch
Meistgesucht im Englisch Wörterbuch


Definition tomato sauce

Tomato sauce
Tomato sauce (also known as salsa roja in Spanish, sauce tomate in French or salsa di pomodoro in Italian) can refer to many different sauces made primarily[...]

Garlic sauce
alla pizzaiola refers to a tomato and garlic sauce, which is used on pizza, pasta and meats. Toum is a thick garlic sauce common to the Levant. It contains[...]

Noodles with tomato egg sauce
Noodles with tomato egg sauce(Chinese: 西红柿鸡蛋面/番茄鸡蛋面)is a traditional Chinese dish. It is very simple to cook. Just as its name implies, it only needs three[...]