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Übersetzung von cork im englisch bokmål Wörterbuch:
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The easy and practical "wine cork" is used to "reseal" a wine bottle by sucking out air from the bottle and creating a vacuum. Enkel og praktisk "vinkork" som benyttes til å "forsegle" en vinflaske ved å ha suget ut luften fra flasken og skapt vakuum. neron
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Definition cork

Wine cork Cork (city) Metropolitan Cork, also known as Greater Cork Cork Airport County Cork Cork City (Parliament of Ireland constituency) County Cork (Parliament[...]

Canadian Olympic-training Regatta, Kingston
The Canadian Olympic Regattas Kingston (CORK) is a non-profit volunteer organization located at Portsmouth Olympic Harbour, home of Sail Canada, producing[...]

Cork (city)
Cork (Irish: Corcaigh [ˈkɔɾˠkəɟ]; from corcach, meaning 'marsh') is the second largest city in the Republic of Ireland, third largest on the island of[...]