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polished auf deutsch

Übersetzung von polished im englisch deutsch Wörterbuch:
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Ähnliche Wörter bzw. Synonyme von polished im Wörterbuch englisch deutsch

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Sätze mit polished in der Datenbank

englisch deutsch Autor
The shoes need to be polished. Die Schuhe müssen geputzt werden. Pfirsichbaeumchen
The diamond in this ring is polished. Der Diamant in diesem Ring ist geschliffen. opti
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Meistgesucht im Englisch Wörterbuch


Definition polished

Polished concrete
Polished concrete is a multi-step process where a concrete floor is mechanically ground, honed and polished with bonded abrasives in order to cut a concrete[...]

Shoe polish
of polished army boots led to a need in the market for a product that would allow boots to be polished quickly, efficiently and easily. The polish was[...]

Polished plate glass
Polished plate is a type of hand-made glass. It is produced by casting glass onto a table and then subsequently grinding and polishing the glass. This[...]