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Übersetzung von toxin im englisch deutsch Wörterbuch:
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Ähnliche Wörter bzw. Synonyme von toxin im Wörterbuch englisch deutsch

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antitoxin Antitoxin
antitoxin Gegengift

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Definition toxin

A toxin is a naturally occurring organic[dubious – discuss] poison produced by metabolic activities of living cells or organisms. They occur especially[...]

Botulinum toxin
paralysis. The toxin causes the disease botulism. The toxin is also used commercially for medical and cosmetic purposes. Botulinum toxin is an acetylcholine[...]

Shiga toxin
Shiga toxins are a family of related toxins with two major groups, Stx1 and Stx2, expressed by genes considered to be part of the genome of lambdoid prophages[...]