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Meistgesucht im Deutsch Wörterbuch
Meistgesucht im Englisch Wörterbuch


Definition meditate

and which comes from the Sanskrit root dhyai, meaning to contemplate or meditate. The term "meditation" in English may also refer to practices from Islamic[...]

Democritus Meditating on the Seat of the Soul
Democritus Meditating on the Seat of the Soul (Démocrite méditant sur le siège de l'âme) is a statue by Léon-Alexandre Delhomme (1841–1895), exhibited[...]

Pre-Meditated Drama
Pre-Meditated Drama is the debut studio album by American hip hop duo Steady Mobb'n, released May 6, 1997 on Bomb Shelter and No Limit Records. The 12[...]