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bowl along auf französisch

Übersetzung von bowl along im englisch französisch Wörterbuch:
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englisch französisch

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englisch französisch Autor
She poured the milk into a bowl. Elle a versé le lait dans un bol. bogantsev
Don't eat the fruit in the bowl on the table. It's plastic. Ne mange pas les fruits qui sont dans le bol sur la table, ils sont en plastique. sacredceltic
Then you water the bowl of flour with a little water. Ensuite, tu arroseras ce bol de farine d'un peu d'eau. U2FS
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Definition bowl along

Citrus Bowl
The Citrus Bowl is an annual college football bowl game played at Camping World Stadium in Orlando, Florida. The bowl is operated by Florida Citrus Sports[...]

Texas Bowl
Bowl is an annual postseason NCAA-sanctioned Division I FBS college football bowl game first held in 2006 in Houston, Texas. Each edition of the bowl[...]

Fiesta Bowl
The Fiesta Bowl is an American college football bowl game played annually in the Phoenix metropolitan area. From its beginning in 1971 until 2006, the[...]