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Are you contented? Es-tu satisfait? Scorpionvenin14
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Meistgesucht im Deutsch Wörterbuch
Meistgesucht im Englisch Wörterbuch


Definition contented

possession are secondary when health is compromised. One cannot be happy or contented when the body is broken, although there are rare, exceptional individuals[...]

The Carnation Contented Hour
The Carnation Contented Hour was a long-running radio music series, sponsored by the Carnation Milk Company, which premiered April 26, 1931 on the regional[...]

Ich bin in mir vergnügt, BWV 204
Ich bin in mir vergnügt (I am content in myself), BWV 204, is a secular cantata composed by Johann Sebastian Bach in Leipzig between 1726 and 1727. Bach[...]