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englisch französisch

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englisch französisch Autor
The river flooded the whole region. Le fleuve a inondé toute la région. TRANG
Oh! I know very well that he is dead! cried out the trembling girl while lifting her tear-flooded face towards her protector. Oh ! je sais bien qu'il est mort ! s'écria la tremblante fille en levant vers sa protectrice un visage inondé de larmes. Scott
Adele watched her friend with dismay. Large tears flooded her face, she could not suppress this scream of anguish and pity: "Oh! Mary! poor Mary!". Adèle contemplait son amie avec effroi. De grosses larmes inondaient son visage, elle ne put retenir ce cri d'angoisse et de pitié "Oh ! Mary ! pauvre Mary !" Scott
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Meistgesucht im Deutsch Wörterbuch
Meistgesucht im Englisch Wörterbuch


Definition flooded

the flood moves downstream, until the flow rate is so great that the depletion by wetting soil becomes insignificant. Coastal areas may be flooded by storm[...]

Flooded grasslands and savannas
globally outstanding flooded savannas and grasslands occur in the Everglades, Pantanal, Lake Chad flooded savanna, Zambezian flooded grasslands, and the[...]

Flooded mine
A flooded mine is one of the direct results of a mine's closure procedure. When a mine stops operating, its maintenance systems also stop, in which the[...]