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Übersetzung von lamprey im englisch französisch Wörterbuch:
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Meistgesucht im Deutsch Wörterbuch
Meistgesucht im Englisch Wörterbuch


Definition lamprey

Lampreys /ˈlæmpreɪz/ (sometimes inaccurately called lamprey eels) are a group of jawless fish comprising the order Petromyzontiformes /ˌpɛtroʊmɪˈzɒntɪfɔːrmiːz/[...]

Pouched lamprey
pouched lamprey (Geotria australis), also known as the piharau in the North Island, korokoro, kanakana in the South Island, or wide-mouthed lamprey, is a[...]

Pacific lamprey
Petromyzontidae family. The Pacific lamprey is also known as the three-tooth lamprey and tridentate lamprey. Pacific lampreys grow to about 80 cm (31 in) as[...]