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According to one story, the money was round so that it could roll from place to place. Une histoire raconte que si la pièce de monnaie est ronde c'est pour lui permettre de rouler d'un endroit à l'autre. hortusdei
It's hectic at my place. How about we go back to your place and watch the game there? C'est mouvementé, chez moi. Que dites-vous de retourner chez vous et d'y regarder la partie ? sacredceltic
I don't want to go any place. Je ne veux aller nulle part. RaspaKrusto
Some place. Chic endroit ! sacredceltic
I am going to that place. Je vais à cet endroit. nimfeo
When will the MCA take place? Quand l'accident maximal hypothétique aura-t-il lieu ? sacredceltic
Do you know this place well? Connaissez-vous bien cet endroit ? sacredceltic
I like what you've done with this place. J'aime ce que vous avez fait de cet endroit. sacredceltic
Is it really all over the place? Y en a-t-il vraiment partout ? U2FS
Maybe you don't know this, but nobody could ever take your place. Peut-être ne le sais-tu pas, mais personne ne pourrait te remplacer. hortusdei
I have to get away from this place. Il me faut m'échapper de cet endroit. sacredceltic
Take me to your place. Emmenez-moi chez vous ! sacredceltic
I don't like this place. Je n'aime pas cet endroit. sacredceltic
I can't place him. Je n'arrive pas à le remettre. sacredceltic
I can't place her. Je n'arrive pas à la remettre. sacredceltic
This is the last place I want to be right now. C'est le dernier endroit où je veux être en ce moment. sacredceltic
Someone took my place. Quelqu'un a pris ma place. sacredceltic
My place is with them now. Ma place est avec eux, désormais. sacredceltic
Either you or I must go in his place. Vous ou moi devons y aller à sa place. Petro1
I'll come to your place. Je vais passer chez toi. sacredceltic
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Definition place apart

A Place Apart
A Place Apart is a book by Irish author Dervla Murphy. It was first published by John Murray in 1978, and won the Christopher Ewart-Biggs Memorial Prize[...]

In Place Apart
In Place Apart is the debut studio album by the American hardcore band Killing the Dream. The album was released on September 13, 2005, through Deathwish[...]

A Place to Fall Apart
"A Place to Fall Apart" is a song co-written and recorded by American country music artist Merle Haggard as a duet with Janie Fricke and backed by The[...]