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The point of play is that it has no point. Le but du jeu est qu'il n'a pas de but. sacredceltic
You don't want to point that gun at me. Tu n'as pas envie de pointer cette arme vers moi. sacredceltic
That's hardly the point, is it? C'est hors sujet, non ? sacredceltic
That's not really the point. Ce n'est pas vraiment le sujet. sacredceltic
That's really not the point. Ce n'est vraiment pas le sujet. sacredceltic
I don't get the point. Je ne saisis pas l'argument. sacredceltic
Is there a point? À quoi cela sert-il ? sacredceltic
I think this is beside the point, right now. Je pense que c'est hors sujet, pour l'instant. sacredceltic
Sometimes I wonder whether or not there's a point to all of this. Parfois, je me demande si, oui ou non, tout ceci a un sens. sacredceltic
I don't see the point. Je n'en vois pas l'objet. sacredceltic
We now come to the point. Nous en arrivons maintenant au fait. sacredceltic
I agree with him on that point. Je suis d'accord avec lui sur ce point. sysko
You are always very concise and very much to the point. Tu es très concis et tu serres bien le sujet. qdii
Can you point me in the right direction? Peux-tu m'indiquer la bonne direction ? sacredceltic
Other people are always off the point. Les autres gens sont hors de propos. qdii
How did we reach this point? Comment en sommes-nous arrivés là ? sacredceltic
You're missing the point. Tu passes à côté. sacredceltic
No admittance beyond this point. Entrée interdite. sacredceltic
At this point, I don't need money. Pour l'instant, je n'ai pas besoin d'argent. sacredceltic
There's no point in asking me for money. Ça ne sert à rien de me demander de l'argent. rene1596
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Definition point at

Melting point
melting point (or, rarely, liquefaction point) of a substance is the temperature at which it changes state from solid to liquid. At the melting point the[...]

Floating-point arithmetic
In computing, floating-point arithmetic (FP) is arithmetic that represents subsets of real numbers using an integer with a fixed precision, called the[...]

Dew point
liquids, the analog to the dew point is the cloud point. If all the other factors influencing humidity remain constant, at ground level the relative humidity[...]