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englisch französisch Autor
During the 15th century, the Ryukyu Kingdom was a tributary state of Imperial China. Pendant le XVe siècle, le Royaume de Ryukyu était un État tributaire de la Chine Impériale. U2FS
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Definition tributary

deltas. Right tributary, or right-bank tributary, and left tributary, or left-bank tributary, describe the orientation of the tributary relative to the[...]

Tributary system of China
The tributary system of China (simplified Chinese: 中华朝贡体系; traditional Chinese: 中華朝貢體系; pinyin: Zhōnghuá cháogòng tǐxì), or Cefeng system (simplified[...]

Orissa Tributary States
The Orissa Tributary States, also known as the Garhjats and as the Orissa Feudatory States, were a group of princely states of British India now part[...]