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Sätze mit witness in der Datenbank

englisch französisch Autor
Why didn't you tell us there was a witness? Pourquoi ne nous as-tu pas dit qu'il y avait un témoin ? sacredceltic
The witness perjured herself on the stand. Le témoin s'est parjuré à la barre. sacredceltic
As God as my witness Tom, I didn't tell her about the surprise party you're planning. Dieu m'est témoin, Thomas, je ne lui ai pas parlé de la fête surprise que tu planifies. sacredceltic
It was the court's finding that the witness committed perjury. La cour mit en évidence que le témoin avait commis un parjure. sacredceltic
I will manage my life and my thoughts as if the entire world had to be the witness of one and could read into the others. Je gouvernerai ma vie et mes pensées comme si le monde entier devait être le témoin de l'une et pouvait lire dans les autres. Scott
It is astonishing to witness that the Iranians, onto whom the Arabs imposed Islam through military defeat, have become its most zealous followers to the point of oppressing those of Zoroastrianism, though it is the religion of their own fathers. A kind of Stockholm syndrome on the national scale. Il est étonnant de constater que les Iraniens, auxquels les Arabes ont imposé l'Islam en les battant militairement, sont devenus ses plus zélés adeptes au point d'opprimer ceux du Zoroastrisme, qui est pourtant la religion de leurs propres pères. Une sorte de syndrome de Stockholm à l'échelle nationale. sacredceltic
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Meistgesucht im Deutsch Wörterbuch
Meistgesucht im Englisch Wörterbuch


Definition witness

In law, a witness is someone who, either voluntarily or under compulsion, provides testimonial evidence, either oral or written, of what they know or[...]

Witness (organization)
WITNESS is a human rights non-profit organization based out of Brooklyn, New York. Its mission is to partner with on-the-ground organizations to support[...]

Witness protection
Witness protection is security provided to a threatened person providing testimonial evidence to the justice system, including defendants and other clients[...]