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not ambiguous auf italienisch

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englisch italienisch

Sätze mit not ambiguous in der Datenbank

englisch italienisch Autor
Niobe is an ambiguous character. Niobe è un personaggio ambiguo. Guybrush88
The speaker was ambiguous as to how much firewood we actually had to bring. L'oratore è stato ambiguo su quanto legna abbiamo dovuto portare in realtà. Guybrush88
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Meistgesucht im Deutsch Wörterbuch
Meistgesucht im Englisch Wörterbuch


Definition not ambiguous

I do not choose to run
decision not to run for the 1928 presidential election. The statement was ambiguous and led to considerable debate as to the intentions of its language. Coolidge[...]

List of linguistic example sentences
sentences illustrating various linguistic phenomena. Different types of ambiguity which are possible in language. Demonstrations of words which have multiple[...]

When a white horse is not a horse
In other words, the expression "white horse is not horse" is ambiguous between "white horse is not synonymous with horse" (true because white horse[...]