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Übersetzung von word im englisch polnisch Wörterbuch:
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Sätze mit word in der Datenbank

englisch polnisch Autor
Can I have a word with Tom in private? Mógłbym zamienić słowo z Tomem na osobności? jeedrek
What's your favorite swear word? Jakie jest twoje ulubione przekleństwo? Ptr
The word "rook" comes from Sanskrit and means "chariot". Słowo "rook" pochodzi z Sanskrytu i znaczy "rydwan". Bilberry
Chinese people don't have an alphabet. They have a different symbol for every word. Chinczycy nie mają alfabetu. Oni mają inny znak na każde słowo. MarekMazurkiewicz
I shouldn't have used the word "password" as my password. Nie powinienem był używać słowa „hasło” jako hasła. zipangu
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Definition word

A word is a basic element of language that carries meaning, can be used on its own, and is uninterruptible. Despite the fact that language speakers often[...]

Word (disambiguation)
Look up Word, word, or words in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. A word is a unit of language. Word(s) may also refer to: Word (computer architecture)[...]

Recurring segments on The Colbert Report
is here merely a graphical styling, and the word "wørd" is pronounced by Colbert as the regular word "word". List of The Colbert Report episodes The Daily[...]