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Übersetzung von aromatic im englisch portugiesisch Wörterbuch:
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In the botanical garden, there are many aromatic and medicinal herbs. No jardim botânico há muitas ervas aromáticas e medicinais. carlosalberto
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Meistgesucht im Englisch Wörterbuch


Definition aromatic

In organic chemistry, aromaticity is a chemical property describing the way in which a conjugated ring of unsaturated bonds, lone pairs, or empty orbitals[...]

Aromatic compound
Aromatic compounds or arenes usually refers to organic compounds "with a chemistry typified by benzene" and "cyclically conjugated." The word "aromatic"[...]

Aromatic amine
In organic chemistry, an aromatic amine is an organic compound consisting of an aromatic ring attached to an amine. It is a broad class of compounds that[...]