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englisch portugiesisch

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englisch portugiesisch Autor
The boy is jumping. O menino está pulando. alexmarcelo
The dog is jumping. O cachorro está pulando. alexmarcelo
Do not expose the console or accessories to high temperatures, high humidity or direct sunlight (use in an environment where temperatures range from 5 °C to 35 °C or 41 °F to 95 °F). Não exponha o console nem os acessórios a altas temperaturas, umidade elevada ou luz solar direta (utilize o console em um ambiente onde as temperaturas oscilem entre 5 °C e 35 °C ou 41 °F e 95 °F). alexmarcelo
Stop jumping on the bed! Pare de pular em cima da cama. tibuurcio
The horse is jumping. O cavalo está pulando. alexmarcelo
The girl is jumping. A menina está pulando. alexmarcelo
High five! Toque cinco! brauliobezerra
The fine isn't very high. A multa não é tão cara. alexmarcelo
Is the seat high? O assento é alto? alexmarcelo
How high is Mount Everest? Qual é a altura do Monte Evereste? JFMorais
How can you stand this high temperature? Como você aguenta este calor? piterkeo
A bird flew high up in the sky. Um pássaro voava alto no céu. anonym
Clouds signify the veil of the Most High. As nuvens simbolizam o véu do Altíssimo. carlosalberto
Not only my nose is blocked but also my temperature is high. Além do nariz congestionado, também sofro de febre. mervert1
Brazilians are plagued by high prices. Os brasileiros são atormentados pelos preços elevados. Ricardo14
I teach French at a high school. Eu ensino francês numa escola secundária. alexmarcelo
She showed him a picture of her high school. Ela lhe mostrou uma foto do seu secundário. alexmarcelo
She danced with him at the high school prom. Ela dançou com ele no baile do colégio. alexmarcelo
The flower pot has melted due to the high temperature of the furnace. O vaso de flores derreteu, devido à alta temperatura do forno. carlosalberto
Europe can only assert itself with the very high quality wines which it has. A Europa só pode afirmar-se com os vinhos de altíssima qualidade que possui. alcalino
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Meistgesucht im Deutsch Wörterbuch
Meistgesucht im Englisch Wörterbuch


Definition high jumping

High jump
The high jump is a track and field event in which competitors must jump unaided over a horizontal bar placed at measured heights without dislodging it[...]

High jump at the Olympics
The high jump at the Summer Olympics is grouped among the four track and field jumping events held at the multi-sport event. The men's high jump has been[...]

1987 World Championships in Athletics – Women's high jump
These are the official results of the Women's High Jump event at the 1987 IAAF World Championships in Rome, Italy. There were a total number of 24 participating[...]