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salary auf portugiesisch

Übersetzung von salary im englisch portugiesisch Wörterbuch:
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Ähnliche Wörter bzw. Synonyme von salary im Wörterbuch englisch portugiesisch

englisch portugiesisch

Sätze mit salary in der Datenbank

englisch portugiesisch Autor
Tom complained about his low salary. Tom reclamou do seu salário baixo. paula_guisard
At least he will have a salary without work. Pelo menos ele terá um salário sem trabalhar. JFMorais
I deserve a bigger salary for this. Eu mereço um salário mais alto por isto. alexmarcelo
What's the minimum salary in your country? Qual é o salário mínimo no seu país? alexmarcelo
She tells him to give her all of his salary and he does. Ela manda que ele lhe dê todo o seu salário e ele o dá. alexmarcelo
He could not support his family on his meager salary. Ele não poderia suportar a sua família com a sua renda bem baixa. mervert1
Her higher salary will allow her to live comfortably. Seu alto salário lhe permitirá viver confortavelmente. alexmarcelo
The boss owes several months’ salary to the construction workers. O patrão deve vários meses de salário aos trabalhadores da construção civil. alexmarcelo
The advantages of replacing human workers with robots are the following: robots don't need salary, robots don't get tired, and, most importantly, robots don't complain about their boss. As vantagens em substituir os trabalhadores humanos por robôs são as seguintes: os robôs não exigem salário, os robôs não se cansam e, o mais importante, os robôs não reclamam com o chefe. alexmarcelo
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Meistgesucht im Deutsch Wörterbuch
Meistgesucht im Englisch Wörterbuch


Definition salary

A salary is a form of periodic payment from an employer to an employee, which may be specified in an employment contract. It is contrasted with piece wages[...]

Salary packaging
Salary packaging (also known as salary sacrifice or salary exchange) is the inclusion of employee benefits (also called fringe benefits) in an employee[...]

One-dollar salary
one dollar salaries A number of top executives in large businesses and governments have worked for a one-dollar salary. One-dollar salaries are used in[...]