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Übersetzung von sugar cane im englisch portugiesisch Wörterbuch:
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englisch portugiesisch

Sätze mit sugar cane in der Datenbank

englisch portugiesisch Autor
Is sugar cane a fruit? A cana-de-açúcar é uma fruta? acbarbosa
I never buy sugar. Eu nunca compro açúcar. Ricardo14
Tom is out of sugar. Tom ficou sem açúcar. piterkeo
You're out of sugar. Você está sem açúcar. piterkeo
Would you like some sugar in your tea? Quer um pouco de açúcar em seu chá? alexmarcelo
I drink tea without sugar. Tomo meu chá sem açúcar. alexmarcelo
I think you're putting in too much sugar. Eu acho que você está pondo muito açúcar. alexmarcelo
Let the sugar caramelise. Deixe o açúcar caramelizar. MUIRIEL
Tom seldom puts sugar in his coffee. Tom raramente coloca açúcar em seu café. alexmarcelo
A diabetic has too much sugar in his blood and in his urine. Um diabético tem muito açúcar no seu sangue e na sua urina. JFMorais
This cake contains flour, milk, eggs and sugar. Este bolo contém farinha, leite, ovos e açúcar. alexmarcelo
In 1764, the British Parliament approved the Sugar Act. Em 1764, o Parlamento Britânico aprovou a Lei do Açúcar. alexmarcelo
At that restaurant, everyone mistook ground peanuts for brown sugar. Naquele restaurante todos confundiam amendoim moído com açúcar mascavo. piterkeo
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Meistgesucht im Deutsch Wörterbuch
Meistgesucht im Englisch Wörterbuch


Definition sugar cane

Sugarcane or sugar cane is a species of tall, perennial grass (in the genus Saccharum, tribe Andropogoneae) that is used for sugar production. The plants[...]

Brown sugar
odor, and taste of the white sugar will be masked by the molasses. Natural brown sugar, raw sugar or whole cane sugar is sugar that retains some amount of[...]

Sugar Cane (1786 ship)
Sugar Cane, was a three-decker merchantman and convict ship. In 1793 she transported convicts from Ireland to Australia. On her return trip she sailed[...]