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Meistgesucht im Deutsch Wörterbuch
Meistgesucht im Englisch Wörterbuch


Definition veal chop

Veal Orloff
Veal Prince Orloff, veal Prince Orlov, veal Orloff, or veal Orlov (French: veau Orloff or veau Orlov) is a 19th-century dish of French cuisine, which[...]

Veal Milanese
cotoletta rivoluzione francese. It is traditionally prepared with a veal rib chop or sirloin bone-in and made into a breaded cutlet, fried in butter.[...]

Pozharsky cutlet
by heavy cream. For presentation, the meat can be formed on a veal chop bone (for veal cutlets) or a chicken wing bone (for chicken cutlets). In the middle[...]