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Übersetzung von quarrel im englisch russisch Wörterbuch:
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englisch russisch Autor
Tom and I always quarrel. Мы с Томом вечно ссоримся. sharptoothed
Let's not quarrel about this. Давайте не будем спорить об этом. sharptoothed
Are you trying to pick a quarrel with me? Вы что, хотите со мной поссориться? sharptoothed
They haven't been friends since that quarrel. После той ссоры они перестали быть друзьями. sharptoothed
We quarrel a lot, but we always manage to patch things up. Мы много ссоримся, но нам всегда удаётся всё уладить. sharptoothed
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Definition quarrel

as a quarrel Quarrel (James Bond), a James Bond character Quarrel Jr., his son Quarrel (video game) The Quarrel, 1991 Canadian film Loki's Quarrel, a poem[...]

The Age of Quarrel
The Age of Quarrel is the first album by the New York hardcore band Cro-Mags. It was released on then-independent Profile Records in September 1986. It[...]

Robert Frost: A Lover's Quarrel with the World
Robert Frost: A Lover's Quarrel With the World is a 1963 American documentary film directed by Shirley Clarke and starring Robert Frost. The poet's reflection[...]