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Übersetzung von guard from im englisch spanisch Wörterbuch:
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Sätze mit guard from in der Datenbank

englisch spanisch Autor
A guard is outside. Hay un guardia afuera. marcelostockle
Can I get by the guard? ¿Podré burlar la guardia? hayastan
I put myself on guard against the danger. Ante el peligro me pongo en guardia. cueyayotl
They were caught off-guard. Los pillaron desprevenidos. Alba
The Norman's guard is impassable. La guardia de los Normandos es infranqueable. marcelostockle
Lord, guard and guide us today! Señor, ¡guárdanos y guíanos hoy! mervert1
The children trampled on the grass and the guard scolded them. Los niños pisaron el césped y el guardia los regañó. cueyayotl
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Definition guard from

King's Guard
postings from the King's Guard, colloquially, these postings have also been called the "King's Guard." The King's Guard and King's Life Guard are sentry[...]

Shooting guard
The shooting guard (SG), also known as the two, two guard or off guard, is one of the five traditional positions in a regulation basketball game. A shooting[...]

Guard (grappling)
guard. In the sport of mixed martial arts, as well as hand-to-hand combat in general, it is possible to effectively strike from the top in the guard,[...]