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open freight car auf spanisch

Übersetzung von open freight car im englisch spanisch Wörterbuch:
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Sätze mit open freight car in der Datenbank

englisch spanisch Autor
How much is the freight on this box? ¿Cuánto es el flete de este cajón? cueyayotl
They're taking the freight out of the train car. Están sacando la carga del vagón. cueyayotl
How much freight did you carry last trip? ¿Cuánta carga llevó en el último viaje? cueyayotl
Hey, Tom, open up. Oye, Tom, ábreme. ficion
Must I open everything? ¿Tengo que abrir todo? lukaszpp
Open the box. Abrí la caja. hayastan
Do not open the box yet. No abras la caja aún. marcelostockle
You have no right to open this box. No tienes derecho a abrir esta caja. Shishir
You need a key to open the box. Se necesita una llave para abrir la caja. Shishir
When does it open? ¿Cuándo abre? lukaszpp
The door was open. La puerta estaba abierta. ilovegreece
The doors are open. Las puertas están abiertas. ilovegreece
Open your suitcase. Abrí tu valija. hayastan
Why don't you keep your eyes open? ¿Por qué no avivas el ojo? cueyayotl
Open the windows. Abrí las ventanas. hayastan
It's me, open the door. Soy yo, abre la puerta. enteka
Open your mind. Abre tu mente. macronoid
Do not open the present yet. No abras el regalo aún. marcelostockle
I can't open the door. Do you have the key? No puedo abrir la puerta. ¿Tenés la llave? alexmarcelo
What is an open folder? ¿Qué es una carpeta abierta? Eldad
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Definition open freight car

Hopper car
A hopper car (US) or hopper wagon (UIC) is a type of railroad freight car used to transport loose bulk commodities such as coal, ore, grain, and track[...]

Open wagon
from the sides. The cars are built by Lohr Industrie. Examples of intermodal open wagons A Tiphook rail intermodal freight well car at Banbury station[...]

Sleeping car
Pullman-made sleeping cars themselves. Pullman-Standard continued manufacturing sleeping cars and other passenger and freight railroad cars until 1980. For[...]