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undo auf spanisch

Übersetzung von undo im englisch spanisch Wörterbuch:
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englisch spanisch

Sätze mit undo in der Datenbank

englisch spanisch Autor
You cannot undo what has already been done. No se puede deshacer lo que ya se ha hecho. darinmex
We have to undo what was done. Tenemos que deshacer lo hecho. cueyayotl
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Definition undo

Undo is an interaction technique which is implemented in many computer programs. It erases the last change done to the document, reverting it to an older[...]

Ukrainian National Democratic Alliance
The Ukrainian National Democratic Alliance, (UNDO) (Ukrainian: Українське національно-демократичне об'єднання, УНДО, Ukraiinśke Nacionaľno-Demokratychne[...]

As the Roots Undo
As the Roots Undo is the debut studio album by screamo band Circle Takes the Square in 2004. It was released on CD and vinyl by the Robotic Empire and[...]