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Sätze mit bee board in der Datenbank

englisch deutsch Autor
Can you please clean the board? Kannst du bitte die Tafel wischen? al_ex_an_der
He went on board the plane. Er ging an Bord des Flugzeugs. InspectorMustache
He is a member of the parochial board. Er ist Mitglied im Kirchenvorstand. muzikanta_hipopotamo
Forty-eight sailors are on board. An Deck sind 48 Seeleute. al_ex_an_der
Tom had the only pool in town with a diving board. Tom hatte in der Stadt das einzige Schwimmbecken mit einem Sprungbrett. Pfirsichbaeumchen
The last dart he threw, bounced off the board. Der letzte Pfeil, den er warf, prallte vom Brett ab. Rekholder
When was the last time you played a board game? Wann hast du das letzte Mal ein Brettspiel gespielt? Pfirsichbaeumchen
The plane had five hundred passengers on board. Das Flugzeug hatte 500 Passagiere an Bord. Zaghawa
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Definition bee board

Queen bee
A queen bee is typically an adult, mated female (gyne) that lives in a colony or hive of honey bees. With fully developed reproductive organs, the queen[...]

Honey bee
honey bee (also spelled honeybee) is a eusocial flying insect within the genus Apis of the bee clade, all native to mainland Afro-Eurasia. After bees spread[...]

Bee Gees
The Bee Gees were a musical group formed in 1958 by brothers Barry, Robin, and Maurice Gibb. The trio were especially successful in popular music in the[...]