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englisch spanisch Autor
When must I go on board? ¿A qué hora debo estar a bordo? lukaszpp
Is there a company board? ¿La compañía tiene junta directiva? lukaszpp
I am delighted to have you on board. Me alegro de tenerte a bordo. Shishir
Who are the members of the board? ¿Quienes son los miembros de la junta directiva? lukaszpp
Would you demonstrate the next problem at the board? ¿Demostrarías el siguiente problema en el pizarrón? DarkHollow
Magic: The Gathering is a board game. Magic: el encuentro es un juego de mesa. marco87
He thinks that playing board games is old-fashioned now. Él cree que jugar juegos de mesa ya es anticuado. hayastan
The Titanic's lifeboats only had enough space to carry about half of those on board. Los botes salvavidas del Titanic solo tenían espacio suficiente para llevar a cerca de la mitad de los que iban a bordo. marcelostockle
There is a sewing machine and an ironing board in the room where Tom used to sleep. Hay una máquina de coser y una tabla de planchar en el cuarto donde Tom solía dormir. marcelostockle
With videogames, children no longer play board games. Con los videojuegos, los niños ya no juegan con juegos de mesa. wallebot
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Meistgesucht im Englisch Wörterbuch


Definition bee board

Queen bee
A queen bee is typically an adult, mated female (gyne) that lives in a colony or hive of honey bees. With fully developed reproductive organs, the queen[...]

Honey bee
honey bee (also spelled honeybee) is a eusocial flying insect within the genus Apis of the bee clade, all native to mainland Afro-Eurasia. After bees spread[...]

Bee Gees
The Bee Gees were a musical group formed in 1958 by brothers Barry, Robin, and Maurice Gibb. The trio were especially successful in popular music in the[...]