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speech auf italienisch

Übersetzung von speech im englisch italienisch Wörterbuch:
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englisch italienisch

Sätze mit speech in der Datenbank

englisch italienisch Autor
What did you think of Tom's speech? Cos'hai pensato del discorso di Tom? Guybrush88
Do not wander in speech! Non saltare di palo in frasca! Guybrush88
This speech is very important. Questo discorso è molto importante. Guybrush88
Her long speech bored us all. Il suo lungo discorso ci annoiò tutti. Guybrush88
This is structured as a short speech. Questo è strutturato come un discorso breve. Guybrush88
He was giving a speech at the park. Stava tenendo un discorso al parco. Guybrush88
He said he feared his speech had been a failure. Disse che temeva che il suo discorso fosse stato un insuccesso. jackhayes
The politician's speech was offensive. Il discorso del politico era offensivo. Guybrush88
Speech sounds are defined as phones. I suoni vengono definiti come foni. Guybrush88
The crowd whistled and applauded at President Obama's speech. La folla fischiò e applaudì al discorso del Presidente Obama. Guybrush88
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Meistgesucht im Englisch Wörterbuch


Definition speech

Speech is a human vocal communication using language. Each language uses phonetic combinations of vowel and consonant sounds that form the sound of its[...]

Speech–language pathology
Speech–language pathology (also known as speech and language pathology or logopedics) is a healthcare and academic discipline concerning the evaluation[...]

Hate speech
Hate speech is a legal term with varied meaning. It has no single, consistent definition. It is defined by the Cambridge Dictionary as "public speech that[...]